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Writer's pictureNicole

How to combat burnout

Stress is a part of our daily lives, we have been conditioned to think that being busy, not having enough time to ourselves is a good thing. Some people even brag about it... You can find Journals that say 'I am so busy' or "inspirational" quotes that talk about being busy. People who aren't 'too busy' are often looked down upon as boring, a loser, not working [or not working enough], lazy etc.

This is super detrimental, you need free time!

I was this person, I loved being busy, doing as much as I could in one day. I was quite proud of how much I was doing. Then it hits... Burnout. You can only do so much!

If you're feeling like that right now, I got you! Here's a simple exercise which can help with this.

3 D's to combat burnout

Write a list of everything you have to do in a specific time frame eg. today/this week/ month

Separate them into categories:




You'll find that a lot of the stuff you think you need to do, can easily be done by someone else or doesn't need to be done right now.

So... tell your partner to do the dishes, ask your kid to do laundry for pocket money, lay off some work to a colleague who doesn't seem to be doing much and anything that doesn't need to be done can wait.

Once you've freed up some time in the day you can begin to either work more slowly on the current tasks [with less pressure] or I recommend using the time for self-care and healthy habits.

I already have a post about healthy habit to get into so check that out for more information, but my next post will be about discovering what part of self care you should make a priority so come back for more next time!

Please try this exercise whenever you feel like things are getting on top of you, even if you don't feel burnout right now, this could prevent you from getting there.

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